Be a Podcast Guest on the

Online Small Business Coach Podcast

Launching December 2018


About the Podcast

Here is the deal. We are featuring a different small business tip every day. The focus of Online Small Business Coach is to help create growth in your small business thru action.

Time Sensitive – Info & Action-Packed Episodes

Our podcast episodes will be short in length (think under 7 minutes) but will include a tip and an action item in each episode.  

The majority of these business tips will come from real life business owners, like yourself!  Keep reading to learn how to be a podcast guest on the Online Small Business Coach Podcast!

How To Be A Podcast Guest!

We would LOVE to have you as a guest. But something you should know – this isn’t your typical podcast. There is no long interview process and to contribute as a podcast guest will only take you around 3 minutes!

3 Easy Steps To Get Started

We know time is money and are so excited you want to contribute to the Online Small Business Coach Podcast. It’s super simple to get started, here are just 3 easy steps:

1. Choose Your Business Tip

What quick business tip can you share that has made an impact on your business? Don’t worry, we even have ideas to help you get started!

2. Fill Out the Form

We have a quick, simple form for you to fill out. This form makes sure that we share the correct URL, spelling, etc.

3. Call and Record

Recording your podcast segment is simple. You will just call a number to record your podcast recording!

Your Business Tip

Share something that will help other small business owners.

You will be providing a business tip. Our audience is small business owners or people interested in small business.

What Business Tip Do You Wish You Had Known?

Think of a business tip that has changed your business game. This can be anything of value. Maybe it’s a thought process, mindset shift or a marketing idea.  It just needs to be short, simple and informative.

We want real life examples of things that have helped you in little or big ways.

Just in case your brain is too busy thinking about the turkey you will be eating next week, here is a list of business ideas and thought starters. You will see these are quick and to the point. 

You will have 3 minutes to record your podcast segment. Yes, we know – it’s short. People are busy and this podcast will be a daily listen that’s easily digestible, not a 4-course meal with info overload!

brain idea thought starters podcast

Thought Starters

Click the plus sign next to each topic for thought starters for your podcast record.

General Business Tips
  • Be on Time – then give a short reason how this helped you in your business.
  • Always Return Calls – then explain what returning calls has done for you.
  • Hire the Right People – tell us how the right staff has created growth for your business. 
  • Remember Your Why – what is your why and how can that help others?
  • Outsource When Needed – have you outsourced some of your business successfully? How has that helped?
Social Media
  • Start an Instagram – how has Instagram helped your business?
  • Post Consistently – what kind of growth have you seen from posting consistently?
  • Create a YouTube Channel – how has YouTube videos helped your business see growth?
  • Network Online –  how has social media allowed you to network online?
  • Find your Tribe – tell us about your tribe and how they help your business. 
  • Offline Marketing – what type of offline marketing works well for you? 
  • Facebook Ads – what kind of growth have you seen because of Facebook ads?
  • Word of Mouth Marketing – how has your business benefitted from word of mouth marketing?
  • Influencers – have you used paid influencers and seen a rise in business? Explain. 
  • Marketing to Millennials – what ways are you marketing successfully to millennials? 

Fill Out a Form

Next, we need you to fill out the below Podcast Guest form. It’s super easy and this helps us make sure all of the information is correct.

After submitting the form, you will be taken to a page with the phone number to call to record your podcast submission. Again, we have made this SUPER easy and quick. We know that time is money – people!  

If there is a specific photo that of yourself that you would like for us to use, please include a link to the photo. You can also email it to We will grab your logo form your website.
Provide a short description (elevator pitch) about your business. This description will be used on our website.
Any additional information you want to provide abou the business tip you provided.
By submitting this form and voice record, I understand that Online Small Business Coach owns and can edit the audio for usage on various mediums for the Online Small Business Coach platforms. (Example, we may have to shorten an audio clip and that audio clip maybe used in a video segment.)

Call and Record

After filling out the form, you will be redirected to a page with all the details in regards to calling and recording your business tip. We’ve even included a script and ideas to help get you started.